Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys in Houston, Texas

Pay Nothing Until We Win Your Case

Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys

Every year, thousands of individuals are injured in slip and fall accidents in Texas. Although these accidents may seem minor at first, they can quickly escalate into serious and life-altering injuries. Victims involved in these accidents are often left to deal with overwhelming pain and suffering associated with broken bones and severe strains. In many cases, victims are required to undergo extensive medical treatment and have to endure months of therapy to properly recover.

Unfortunately, countless slip and fall accidents occur due to the negligent and reckless acts of property owners. When victims are harmed under these circumstances, they are often forced into quick settlements by the insurance companies of at-fault parties. These settlements frequently cover the minimal amount of damages that victims have incurred for their injuries and damages. Accepting these offers prevents victims from obtaining further compensation in the future. Instead of accepting these deliberately low offers from insurance companies, it is crucial for victims to contact a slip and fall accident attorney in Houston to ensure their legal rights are protected and they receive the highest amount possible for the injuries and damages they’ve sustained.

Over the years, Connolly Law has helped multiple victims receive the justice and compensation they deserve for their legal claims. Our attorneys work diligently on behalf of accident victims to ensure they get the maximum amount of compensation available for their claims. Our slip and fall accident attorneys in Houston will research claims for those harmed, seek out witnesses, hire expert witnesses to re-create the scene of the accident, and negotiate on behalf of victims to ensure they get the full and fair compensation they deserve to cover the damages resulting from their accident. Contact our law firm today to explore the legal options available for you.

Common Locations for Slip and Fall Accidents in Texas

Individuals involved in slip and fall accidents frequently sustain serious injuries. Because of the nature of these accidents, there are a number of locations in which they frequently occur. Some of the most common locations for slip and fall accidents in Texas include:

  • Gas stations
  • Apartment complexes
  • Department stores
  • Grocery stores
  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Hotels
  • Parking lots
  • Restaurants
  • Public sidewalks and other areas with uneven pavement

When victims are injured in slip and fall accidents, it is imperative that they contact a slip and fall accident attorney in Houston as soon as possible. The attorneys at Connolly Law are well-versed in property law and are dedicated to helping accident victims get the maximum amount of compensation available for their claims.

Types of Injuries Most Commonly Suffered in Slip & Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can have a devastating impact on the lives of victims. In many cases, victims suffer devastating injuries that require medical attention. Not only are victims left in overwhelming pain, but they often have to undergo months of intensive therapy to fully recover. Some of the most common types of injuries victims of slip and fall accidents sustain include:

Broken Bones: Broken bones can be devastating. In many cases, victims are forced to wear casts and undergo surgery for their injuries. After several weeks or even months, victims are oftentimes required to go endure extended periods of physical therapy to properly recover from their injuries.

Sprained Ankles and Wrists: Ankle and wrist sprains can be extremely painful. In many cases, victims are unable to perform simple tasks due to the limitations these injuries impose on their lives. In some cases, victims have to go through extensive therapy sessions for the injuries they sustained in their slip and fall accident.
Knee Injuries: These injuries can impact a victim’s ability to perform simple tasks. Activities, like squatting, walking, and even standing, can be extremely difficult.

Shoulder Injuries: Individuals who sustain shoulder strains and dislocations after a slip and fall accident often require surgery, therapy, and various other medical procedures to address the problems associated with their injuries. Unfortunately, shoulder injuries can have a lasting impact on a victim’s ability to control their arm muscles and lift objects.
Spine and Nerve Damage: These injuries often have a devastating impact on every aspect of a victim’s life. Spine and nerve damage injuries can affect a slip and fall accident victim’s abilities to perform even the easiest tasks. Sadly, there are many cases where victims who suffer these injuries end up paralyzed.

Traumatic Brain Injuries: TBIs can be extremely devastating for slip and fall accident victims. These injuries can make it difficult for individuals to perform even the easiest tasks. Some victims suffer hearing loss, vision problems, and have impaired memories and motor skills. TBIs often force individuals who have sustained these types of injuries to utilize expensive medical equipment and undergo extensive therapy sessions for the rest of their lives.

Cuts and Abrasions: Depending on the severity of a cut or abrasion, they can be extremely painful and result in permanent scarring. Victims of slip and fall accidents who suffer these injuries in the facial region can have lasting self-esteem and confidence issues that impact their mental and emotional wellbeing.

When victims are harmed in slip and fall accidents, due to negligent property owners, it is imperative that they contact a slip and fall accident attorney in Houston who specializes in premises liability as soon as possible. Those harmed in slip and fall accidents may be entitled to compensation to help alleviate the financial burdens resulting from their accidents.

Why Work with Connolly Law

Victims involved in slip and fall accidents often deal with overwhelming mental and physical pain and suffering. Unfortunately, they are often forced to spend tens-of-thousands of dollars on medical treatment while being forced out of work in order to properly recover. When victims are harmed in accidents due to the negligent acts of others, they may be entitled to compensation to help alleviate the financial burdens that have resulted from their accidents. Working with a reputable and aggressive slip and fall accident attorney in Houston will ensure those harmed get the justice and compensation they deserve from those who caused them harm.

The Houston slip and fall accident attorneys at Connolly Law have helped numerous victims get full and fair compensation they deserve to adequately cover the costs of treatment and other damages that have resulted from their accidents. Our attorneys will stop at nothing to ensure those harmed are fairly compensated for the overwhelming pain and suffering they experience. If you were injured in a slip and fall accident, contact our slip and fall accident attorneys in Houston at (832) 767-3568 to see how we can help you.